Saturday, September 23, 2006


I keep winding up in bookstores, and publishers continue to put out awesome books I can't afford. Through supreme force of will, I narrowly avoided spending money on the following books this week:

Only Revolutions by Mark Z. Danielewski.
Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk.
Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk.
A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby
Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson
American Gods by Neil Giaman
Best American Nonrequired Reading edited by Dave Eggers.
The Harsh Cry of the Heron by Lian Hearn
The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger [Thanks for reminding me, Emi.]
And something by Laurell K. Hamilton, because I never learn.

My problem goes beyond lack of funds. Even if I was a much smarter, less slutty version of Paris Hilton, when the crap would I find time to even read that pile of stuff. I propose that the English department creates a new course called "ENG 493: Read Whatever the Hell You Want." Grades would be based entirely on the number of books read, and how awesome they are. Distinctions on the quality of a given book's awesomeness would naturally be left up to me.


Anonymous said...

That class would be awesome. Minimum of five books read, and a review of each one. It would involve writing of course, but then ever English class does.

Also, you forgot Devil Wears Prada in Target. Because it's a black hole of finances

Anonymous said...

I heartily recommend Snow Crash and American Gods. But, you know, as I've said before, I also recommend the local library. As to finding time to read them... What are you doing at night, sleeping?

Li Madison said...

Emi: Thank you. I knew I'd forgotten something.

LC: What I'm doing at night is reading Bridget Jones' Diary. I am getting through books. The problem is that I already have ten or so I need to read, and I'm snailing my way through the stack. Hell, it took me over a month to get through Summerland and that was a "kids book." It's like taking a month to read Harry Potter.