Wednesday, October 18, 2006

New Layout

I haven't updated, but I have changed the scenery so that when you look upon my massive not-updates, you will at least have a better view. Feel free to tell me it sucks. I don't like it much either. Of course, if you do like it, thank you, and I completely agree. I'm so awesome that I astound even me.

The main problem with this new layout is that I no longer have a place to put my surrealist subtitles, like "There's a duck in your elevator," which I think added a lot to the site. Until I can come up with a good solution for this obvious shortfall, I'll have to make up for it with more entries that aren't particularly funny, while at the same time lack any real information whatsoever.

Although I do have a update on my vow to stop buying used books I don't have time to read with money I don't have:

Griffin and Sabine by Rick Bantock
The Golden Mean by Rick Bantock
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason by Helen Fielding
Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe

So far so good.


Aidan Doherty said...

Doesn't the layout allow for added page segments? If that's the case, you can probaby add a segment to the sidebar that talks about ducks in elevators and all other related things.

Speaking of which, I explored the layout potential on this site with this account I created for Broadwave and absolutely love it-- mainly because it doesn't require me to have extensive knowledge of html or css.

Aidan Doherty said...

Also, on a completely unrelated note (in case I forget to tell you later when I see online): check out Uncyclopedia, especially Uncyclopedia: Fox.

Unknown said...

Oooo, Bantock!

Is the G&S all three in a single volume? Or have you acquired the first in the trilogy?

Li Madison said...

Unfortunately, the bookstore only had the first and the third book. I have read them before, though, in high school. I just couldn't pass up the chance to own them for the low, low price of four bucks each.