Wait a minute. Harry Potter. Do you realize how close we are to that book coming out? The anticipated release date is sometime in 2007, which is right around the corner. Not to mention Spiderman 3, Batman 2, Hellboy 2, Sin City 2, and Joss Whedon's Wonder Woman. They're so close I can taste it. I have a lot to live for.
Thinking it through, that would mean that I'd have to wait eighteen years just to find out if Harry really is the eighth horacrux. I'd have to wait even longer to see Joss Whedon pwn at the box office, and I won't even waste my time hoping to see Hillary Clinton return to the White House with Baracak Obama as her running mate. Sure, I'd be comphensated by living about seventeen extra years, but some of those would be in the eighties, and all of them would be filled with reruns. I'm not sure if I can stand to see the X-Files jump the shark again, or hear another Hanson song on the radio.
So I guess we're stuck with Bush in office and the twin towers flat as pancakes. Not that I could probably fix either of those anyway. At five years old, I would either wind up ignored or in a lab getting anal probes from mad scientists.
Unless of course, you found a minion to do your bidding. You'd be the brains behind the entire op and you could keep your identity hidden.
With all the money you could have at your disposal, you can buy a lot of mouths. ;)
...or would that be "you could buy silence." Buying "a lot of mouths" just sounds strange.
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