Saturday, November 04, 2006

Saturday Morning

penny arcade mac beret something that has nothing to do with this blog postI hate football weekends. I've been awake for five minutes, I'm not out of my pajamas, and I've already been invited to a keg party. The back of my apartment building faces the back of someone else's apartment building, so as I shuffled into my living room this morning, a la Shawn of the Dead, I found myself the center of attention for about six coeds, who at eleven am were already clustered around a keg on my neighbor's balcony. The biggest, hairest one of the lot, the one wearing an Animal House "COLLEGE" t-shit, waved erratically from his lawn chair and made "Come on over!" gestures, because as we all know, standing in your living room in house shoes, frog pjs, and a knit monkey hat is the universal sign for, "Whoo, baby, I'm in the mood to get drunk and get funky." Still, it's nice to get invited, I guess.

Speaking of monkey hats, I've decided to become a sensitive artistic type. This way, I can wax philosophic on such disparate topics as the symbolism of hands in Sophie Treadwell's Machinal versus Shakespeare's Macbeth, or, I dunno, the benefits of a d-10 system versus a d-20 system, and people will assume I know what I'm talking about, because I'm a sensitive artistic type. I also plan to do strange and exccentric things, like randomly wearing a pirate hat to classes. I won't have a reason for this, but I won't need one. Sensitive artistic types just do things like that.

Hmm. I should buy a beret. Maybe adopt a European accent. Not French, though. Out of Vogue. Are the Brittish still cool? I don't know. I wonder if the kegger people know. They seem to be "with it." They might even be sober enough to ask.


Emi Hobbit said...

psh, don't buy one. we're making them in class. so i can make you one that is custom fit!

Li Madison said...

Awesome. I would like a beret in the likeness of a polar bear, to maximize the amount of penguins I kill by wearing it.

Aidan Doherty said...

Hmm... Did the comment I posted never appear, or did it do a disappearing act?